Network and Partnership

Since 1989, AIC Madagascar has been a full rights member of AIC (the Association Internationale des Charités, the International Association of Charities: The first National President of AIC Madagascar, Rose de Lima Ramanankavana, was a member of the AIC International Executive Board, coordinator for Africa and Vice-President of AIC from 1994-2009. In 2020, she became President of AIC International.



As a member of the Vincentian Family, ( AIC Madagascar collaborates with the Fathers of the Mission (CM), the Daughters of Charity (DC), the St Vincent de Paul Society (SSVP) and the Vincentian Marian Youth (VMY) on a national, diocesan and local level.

Partnerships and twinnings link AIC Madagascar with AIC associations and groups in France, the United States, Germany, Spain, Italy and Madeira. They help to make the projects a reality and stimulate mutual exchange and the understanding of cultures.

There is a close and effective collaboration with the NGO Asmae, (, Caritas and the Madagascan State through effective participation in State projects such as providing children from disadvantaged backgrounds with a birth certificate, and taking part in a project to improve nutrition for children aged 0 to 5 (within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals), actions for breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women, and actions to vaccinate and against malaria. Right now AIC Madagascar participtes in the fight against Corona

Our Campaigns, Manifestos and Political Action



AIC Madagascar has addressed the public and political leaders through campaigns and manifestos for responsible fatherhood, against abortion, and in favour of the Sustainable Development goals.


International Representation

On the international level, AIC Madagascar has contributed to AIC representations through testimonies and through presenting projects based on the Sustainable Development Goals framework. Amongst other things, Mrs Ramanankavana has spoken at the United Nations (the DPI-NGO Conference in New York), the Council of Europe and UNESCO in Paris; she has also provided written contributions.On national level AIC Madagascar collaborates with UNDP (the United Nations Development Programm), UNICEF and UNESCO and the WFP/World Food Programme.

The Media and NTIC (new information and communication technologies):

To make people aware, the AIC volunteers send as many letters and e-mails as possible. This was the method that St Vincent already used in his own era - he wrote no less than 30,000 letters.